Kitsap Safe Schools Network
Because nobody should be scared at school ~
straight, gay, whatever
The Kitsap Safe Schools Network is a partnership of school and community groups, churches, youth groups, parents and individuals working to protect every child from bullying at school, especially bullying based on perceived sexual orientation and gender identity.
2025 |
Youth Rally for Human Rights
The next Kitsap Youth Rally for Human Rights is on Tuesday,
March 25, 2025, at Olympic College, Bremerton Campus.
This year’s school host is South Kitsap High School.
This year’s theme is ‘Face to Face, Take Off Your Mask’.
Over 250 students and adult leaders will attend.
What’s a Youth Rally? It’s a gathering of students from
all over the Kitsap Peninsula, with music and
student-led workshops about social justice and human
rights. The Rally is sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools
Network and West Sound Academy.
What is the schedule for the Rally? On-site check-in of
pre-registered student groups starts at 8 AM in the
Bremer Student Center at Olympic College, the
programming starts at 8:50 AM (with three breakout
sessions – and snacks), and the rally is over at 1:20
PM. The lunch period is exclusively devoted to giving
time for students to browse outreach tables from
community organizations.
For more information, email Susan Trower, Youth Rally
Coordinator, at strower@westsoundacademy.org.
2024 |
Youth Rally for Human Rights
The Kitsap Youth Rally for Human Rights was on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at
Olympic College, Bremerton Campus. This year’s school host was Central Kitsap
High School. Over 250 students and adult leaders attended.
This year’s theme is ‘Honor Your Past, Forge Your Future’. CKHS rally planners
want to acknowledge how far so many movements for inclusion and equality have
come and to focus on empowering youth to continue the fight to achieve those
2023 |
26th Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 24, 2023, over 150 high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula gathered at Olympic College to educate one another
and celebrate the human rights of all students. The host school was Bremerton High School and the theme was "Equality,
Education, Empowerment". |
2022 |
February 2022
Get LGBTQ affirming posters
Get involved with your GSA
Contact us to get free posters or the name of your GSA advisor. |
2021 |
September 2021
Going back to school
Learn alot! Enjoy your friends! Be kind and stand up to bullying! Wear your mask! |
January 2021
Dealing with depression
Many students are struggling with depression and loneliness from being isolated at home and not being able to be with friends and teachers. While we all hope schools can re-open soon, here are some tips for dealing with depression from socially isolating at home.
Tip 1: Talk to an adult you trust
Depression is not your fault, and you didn’t do anything to cause it. However, you do have some control over feeling better. The first step is to ask for help.
It may seem like there’s no way your parents will be able to help, especially if they are always nagging you or getting angry about your behavior. If your parents are abusive in any way, or if they have problems of their own that makes it difficult for them to take care of you, find another adult you trust (such as a relative, teacher, counselor, or coach).
No matter what, talk to someone, especially if you are having any thoughts of harming yourself or others. Asking for help is the bravest thing you can do, and the first step on your way to feeling better.
Tip 2: Try not to isolate yourself—it makes depression worse
Depression causes many of us to withdraw into our shells. You may not feel like seeing anybody or doing anything and some days just getting out of bed in the morning can be difficult. But isolating yourself only makes depression worse. So even if it’s the last thing you want to do, try to force yourself to stay social. As you reach out into and connect with others, you’ll likely find yourself starting to feel better.
Tip 3: Adopt healthy habits
Making healthy lifestyle choices can do wonders for your mood. Things like eating right, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep have been shown to make a huge difference when it comes to depression. Aim for eight hours of sleep each night. Feeling depressed as a teenager typically disrupts your sleep. Whether you’re sleeping too little or too much, your mood will suffer.
Tip 4: Manage stress and anxiety
For many teens, stress and anxiety can go hand-in-hand with depression. Unrelenting stress, doubts, or fears can sap your emotional energy, affect your physical health, send your anxiety levels soaring, and trigger or exacerbate depression.
Tips for managing stress
- Exercise, meditation, muscle relaxation, and breathing exercises are good ways to cope with stress.
- If exams or classes seem overwhelming, talk to a teacher or school counselor, or find ways of improving how you manage your time.
- If you’re struggling to fit in or dealing with relationship, friendship, or family difficulties, talk your problems over with someone - your school counselor or a professional therapist.
- If you have a health concern you feel you can't talk to your parents about, such as a pregnancy scare or drug problem, talk to your school counselor or seek medical attention at a clinic or see a doctor. They can guide you towards appropriate treatment (and help you approach your parents if that's necessary).
The Trevor Project is the leading national organization helping lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) youth under 25 find help dealing with problems, especially thoughts of suicide. They have put together online support and information for dealing with social isolation and other issues.
Trevor Project Support Center Find answers to questions; explore resources related to sexual orientation, gender identity, coming out, sexual health wth more; and phone, text or chat with counselors.
Trevor Space International social media site where youth can chat with other LGBT youth; join or start discussion groups; find groups that share your interests such as writing, cars, music; etc.
https://www.trevorspace.org |
2020 |
Kitsap Safe Schools cannot provide in-person training and support while there is a risk of coronavirus transmission. Below are information and resources to help support youth and staff while many are engaged with distance, online learning. |
The Kitsap Safe Schools is concerned about many LGBTQ students - especially those who do not have supportive families - who have been isolating at home and are now attending virtual school. For many coronavirus has both robbed them of access to supportive environments and has increased negative contacts.
During the COVID-19 quarantine, educators across the country are learning how to continue to provide a safe and affirming experience for LGBTQ students via distance learning. Below is information about and for LGBTQ students.
According to HRC’s 2018 LGBTQ Youth Report:
67% of LGBTQ students hear their families make negative comments about LGBTQ people. While some students are open about their LGBTQ identity at school, only 21% are out at home.
Privacy and confidentiality are critically important for LGBTQ youth, especially for those who do not have supportive families. Extreme rejecting behaviors can have dire consequences: LGBTQ youth of color often face additional stress and adverse impacts on their health and well-being as a result of bias around their intersecting identities.
Educators are uniquely positioned to provide support and resources to LGBTQ students who are now more at risk due to the pandemic. NEA EdJustice and HRC Foundation’s Welcoming Schools have joined together to offer a checklist and resources to help educators and allies navigate how to best support LGBTQ students as schools make this unprecedented pivot to distance learning. The checklist:
- Does your virtual classroom include visible signs, like Zoom backgrounds or posters, showing that you are LGBTQ affirming?
- Are you establishing trust with LGBTQ students by using gender-inclusive and non-heteronormative language such as “students” instead of “boys and girls” and “family” or “caring adult” instead of “mom and dad”?
- Can you confirm a private, virtual connection with an LGBTQ student that is not supported at home, so you can check-in with them about their family dynamic and brainstorm self-care strategies?
- Have you addressed the greater risk for LGBTQ cyberbullying — as students overall spend more time online during this period of social isolation — by using teachable moments to stop negative anti-LGBTQ language and behavior?
- With LGBTQ drop-in centers closed and LGBTQ student clubs (i.e. GSA’s) no longer in session, are you sharing direct, online LGBTQ resources with your students that provide affirming support and connection for LGBTQ youth in virtual settings day or night — including the Trevor Project which offers 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year confidential and online support for LGBTQ youth?
The Trevor Project recommends the following to LGBTQ youth:
1. Non-judgmental stance. Do not judge yourself or your reactions. You are allowed to feel your emotions without “shoulding” on yourself.
2. Disconnect. Find time each day to disconnect from screens. I mean ALL screens. No phone, iPad, computer or TV. Use this time to center yourself without input from other people.
3. Connect. Schedule online time with people with whom you have healthy connections. Even a 10 minute conversation can be helpful.
4. Educate yourself. You may have special circumstances regarding housing or transitioning. Look for local resources to help you find out your rights and what you can do. Educate yourself about COVID-19 and try to use more mainstream sources like the CDC. Having actual information will decrease your anxiety.
5. Find calm. Figure out what works for you to find calm – music, working out, connecting with people, drawing, etc. You may want to alternate these activities because they may become less effective if you rely on them too heavily.
6. Set a schedule. Having a schedule for the day provides structure and some degree of certainty in your life.
7. Go outside. You can go outside! Even if you are an indoorsy person, being outside for fresh air will do wonders for your mood. Obviously, you want to maintain six feet from other folks, but you are allowed outside. Try to find time every day!
8. Find the little things. You don’t have to do anything major to feel better. Sometimes it’s the small things that help the most, such as taking a moment to enjoy the candy you are eating, listening to the birds, or the excitement of a new game. There are many small moments in the day. Try to find a few.
9. Get help. You are not alone. We are here for you at the The Trevor Project, 24/7. There are also other resources including online psychotherapy and support. Rules around telehealth have been relaxed in this crisis, and it is easier than ever to find a clinician to see you online. There are also apps that could be helpful to you.
10. Don’t give up. This will pass. Just like any emotion, all of the ones above will reach a peak and subside. Engage in your wellness strategies, reach out to someone (we are here!), or talk a walk. The human body was not meant to maintain intense negative emotions. If you ride out the wave, it will diminish. As humans, we are pretty predictable in that way.
Please contact us at arlisstewart@gmail.com for information or support. |
2020 meetings
Feb 12th, 5:00 pm
March-Dec, zoom meetings
2019 meetings
Jan 9th, 5:00 pm
Feb 13th, 5:00 pm
Mar 13th, 5:00 pm
April 10th, 5:00 pm
May 8th, 5:00 pm
June 12th, 5:00 pm
July 10th, 5 pm
August 1st, 5:30 pm*
Sept 11th, 5:00 pm
Oct 9th, 5 pm
Oct 21st, 5 pm**
Nov 13th, 5pm
Dec 11th, 6 pm ***
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Avenue
Bremerton 98310
*Summer potluck at Patricia's
**Meeting with Dr. Prince, new Central Kitsap School
District Superintendent
***Holiday dinner at JJ’s Fish House
December 6th
Kitsap Council for Human Rights Annual Conference
8:00am - 4:00pm at Olympic College
July 20th |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
11 am - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
March 22rd |
25th Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 22, 2018, 300 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
2018 meetings
Jan 10th, 5:00 pm
Feb 7th, 5:00 pm
Mar 14th, 5:00 pm
April 11th, 5:00 pm
May 9th, 5:00 pm
No June meeting
August 8th, 6 pm*
Sept 12th, 5 pm
October 10th, 5 pm
November 14th, 5 pm
December 12th, 6pm**
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Avenue
Bremerton 98310
*Annual Summer Potluck at Patrcia's
**at JJ's Fishhouse
July 21st |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
11 am - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
March 23rd |
24th Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 23, 2018, 300 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
January 16th |
Handling Controversial Issues Professionally
A Kitsap Safe Schools Workshop for Educators & Community Members
Skills that apply to issues such as race, gender, sexual orientation and religion-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network |
2017 meetings
Jan 11th, 5:00 pm
Feb 8th, 5:00 pm
Mar 1st, 5:00 pm
May 10th, 5:00 pm
June 14th, 5:00 pm
Aug 16th, 6:00 pm
at Jane's
Sept 13th, 5:00 pm
Oct 11th, 5:00 pm
Nov 8th, 5:00 pm
Dec 13th, 6:00 pm
at JJs Fishhouse
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Avenue
Bremerton 98310
July 15th |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
11 am - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
May 27th
7-11 pm |
Pink Prom
Admiral Theater
515 Pacific Avenue, Bremerton
Sponsors: The Q Center and Kitsap Safe Schools |
March 24th |
23rd Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 24, 2017, 350 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
2016 meetings
Jan 20th, 5:00 pm
Feb 10th, 5:00 pm
Mar 9th, 5:00 pm
April 13th. 5:00 pm
May 11th, 5 pm
Sept 14th, 5 pm
Oct 20th, 5 pm
Nov 9th, 5 pm |
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Avenue
Bremerton 98310
Dec 14, 6 pm |
at JJs in Poulsbo |
Summer potluck:
Aug 9th, 5:30 pm |
at Mackenzie home |
Dec 9th |
Attend and come to our workshop at the 2016 Kitsap County Human Rights Conference, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. December 9 at Olympic College in Bremerton. This year's theme is "Implicit Bias." http://www.kitsapgov.com/boards/humanrights/hrcboard.htm |
Nov 21, 28, Dec 5th |
Bremerton HIgh GSA Sex Ed Workshops |
July 16th |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
11 am - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
May 14th
7-11 pm |
Pink Prom
Admiral Theater
515 Pacific Avenue, Bremerton
Sponsors: The Q Center and Kitsap Safe Schools |
March 25th |
22nd Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 25, 2016, 350 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
February 15, 22, & 29th
Bremerton HIgh GSA Sex Ed Workshops |
July 18th |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
Noon - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
April 17th |

2015 Day of Silence
Sponsors: Kitsap Safe Schools, the Q Center and Kitsap peninsula GSAs
GSA's across the Kitsap Peninsula are observing the National Day of Silence, a student-led day of action on which students recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their allies. |
March 20th
21st Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 20, 2015 over 300 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
February 27th
7-9 pm
Sylvan Way Library
1301 Sylvan Way
Bremerton 98310 |
Sylvan Way Library
LGBTQ Youth Laser Lock-in
A night of rad laser tag, with DJ, dancing, movies, books and more. All gender expressions and orientations welcome. Pre-registration required. Hosted in partnership with The Q Center and Kitsap Regional Library. Funding support provided by the Kitsap Safe Schools Network and East Bremerton Friends of the Library. |
2014 |
Friday, Saturday
August 8th & 9th |
Kitsap Youth in Action training
Sponsors:Americorp, With Respect, Kitsap Safe Schools |
July 20th |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
Noon - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
May 24th
7:00 - 11:00 pm |
Pink Prom
Olympic College Bremer Student Center
1600 Chester Avenue, Bremerton
Sponsors: The Q Center and Kitsap Safe Schools
April 11th |

2014 Day of Silence
Sponsors: Kitsap Safe Schools, the Q Center and Kitsap peninsula GSAs
GSA's across the Kitsap Peninsula are observing the National Day of Silence, a student-led day of action on which students recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their allies. |
March 21st
20th Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 21, 2014 over 300 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
March 17th |
Central Kitsap School District workshop
Sponsors: With Respect and Kitsap Safe Schools |
March 4, 11 & 18 |
Kitsap Youth in Action training
Sponsors: With Respect and Kitsap Safe Schools |
Jan 8th, 5:30 pm
Feb 5th, 5:30 pm
March 12th, 5:30 pm
April 9th, 5:30 pm
May 14th, 5:30 pm
Sept 17th, 5:30 pm
Oct 22nd, 4:30 pm
Nov 12th, 5:30 pm
Dec 17th, 6:00 pm* |
2014 meetings
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Avenue
Bremerton 98310
*December 17th meeting at JJ's Fish House in Poulsbo |
2013 |
December 6th
8:00 am-3:15 pm
The 23rd Annual
Kitsap County Human Rights Conference
December 6, 2013 8 a.m.-3:15 p.m.,
Kitsap Conference Center, Bremerton
The Ally is YOU!
Inspire, Empower, Unite
A day of speakers, workshops and networking - bringing people together to educate and strengthen the LGBTQI community and Allies
Conference details
November 26th |
Central Kitsap School District Paraeducator training
Sponsors: With Respect and Kitsap Safe Schools |
November 15th
7:00 pm |
Straighlaced ~ How Gender's Got Us All Tied Up
A free community screening
From girls confronting popular messages about culture and body image to boys who are sexually active just to prove they aren't gay, the students in Straightlaced illustrate the toll that deeply held stereotypes and rigid gender policing have on all of our lives. By Academy Award winning director Debra Chasnoff
The film will be followed by a discussion with Kitsap youth, facilitated by Leak Kyaio, Kitsap Safe Schools trainer'.
November 15, 2013, 7:00 pm at Ground Zero Center, 16159 Clear Creek Rd, Poulsbo 98370
Sponsored by Free Range Films, a coordinated effort between NK 99% and Ground Zero Center.. Free, donations accepted.. |
October 26th
10 am - 1:00 pm |
Safe & Bully Free Classrooms Workshop
Sponsors: Kitsap Safe Schools and With Respect
Trainer: Leah Kyaio, M.Ed.
Learn skills and strategies to create classrooms that are safe and bully free while supporting high performing learners, all while having fun. Pizza, beverages provided. Clock hours (4) pending.
October 26th, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm at
Silverwood School Commons
14000 Central Valley Rd NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370
$35 early bird registration
$50 at the door
Register at http://www.with-respect.com/register.htm
Download flyer |
October 22nd
4:00 - 8:00 pm |
Safe & Bully Free Classrooms Workshop
Sponsors: Kitsap Safe Schools and With Respect
Trainer: Leah Kyaio, M.Ed.
Learn skills and strategies to create classrooms that are safe and bully free while supporting high performing learners, all while having fun. Pizza, beverages provided. Clock hours (4) pending.
October 22nd, 4:00-8:00 pm at
Fairview Jr High, Library
8107 Central Valley Road, Bremerton WA 98311
$35 early bird registration
$50 at the door
Register at http://www.with-respect.com/register.htm
Download flyer |
September 26th
4:00 - 8:00 pm
Safe & Bully Free Classrooms Workshop
Sponsors: Kitsap Safe Schools and With Respect
Trainer: Leah Kyaio, M.Ed.
Learn skills and strategies to create classrooms that are safe and bully free while supporting high performing learners, all while having fun. Pizza, beverages provided. Clock hours (4) pending.
September 26th, 4:00-8:00 pm at
Silverwood School Commons
14000 Central Valley Rd NW, Poulsbo, WA 98370
$35 early bird registration before September 20, 2013
$50 after that and at the door
Register at http://www.with-respect.com/register.htm
Download flyer |
July 21st |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
Noon - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
April 19th |

2013 Day of Silence
Sponsors: Kitsap Safe Schools, the Q Center and Kitsap peninsula GSAs
GSA's across the Kitsap Peninsula are observing the National Day of Silence, a student-led day of action on which students recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their allies. |
March 22nd |
19th Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
On March 22, 2013 over 300 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
January 21-25
Kitsap peninsula GSAs and the Q Center organize No Name Calling Week activities at their schools, providing students and educators with the tools and inspiration needed to confront bullying.
Jan 16, 4:30pm
Feb 13, 5:00pm
Mar 13, 5:00pm
May 8th, 4:30pm
June 12, 5:00 pm
Aug 14, 5:00 pm
Sept 4, 5:00 pm
Nov 9,10am-4pm
Nov 13, 5:00pm
Dec 11, 5:00pm |
2013 meetings
Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Avenue
Bremerton 98310 |
2012 |
December 10th |
Presentation to Central Kitsap School District Culturally Responsive Leaders group
December 7th |
Kitsap County Council Human Rights Conference
Staffed information table for Kitsap Safe Schools and the 2013 Kitsap Youth Human Rights Conference.
July 22nd |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and other materials for your school.
Noon - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
April 20th |

2012 Day of Silence
Sponsors: Kitsap Safe Schools, the Q Center and Kitsap peninsula GSAs
GSA's across the Kitsap Peninsula are observing the National Day of Silence, a student-led day of action on which students recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their allies. |
March 23rd |
Kitsap Youth Rally for Human Rights
On March 23, 2012 over 300 junior and senior high school students from the Kitsap Peninsula will gather at Olympic College to educate one another and celebrate the human rights of all students. For more information go to kitsapyouthrally.org.
February training & workshops |
With Respect events, Leah R. Kyaio trainer
Co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
Feb 2, 5-8pm
Silverdale Community Center |
Bullied to Suicide; Breaking the Cycle |
Feb 7, 9am-Noon
West Sound Counselors |
Bully Proof! Kids and Schools |
Feb 20, 4-7pm
Givens Community Center |
Bully Proof! Kids and Schools |
Feb 22, 4-7pm
Givens Community Center |
Classroom Culture: Intentional, Inclusive, & Respectful |
Feb 29, 9am-Noon
Olympic ESD 114 |
Bully Up! Bullies to Leaders |
Go to http://withrespect.webs.com/events.htm for details and to register.
January 23-27
Kitsap peninsula GSAs and the Q Center are organizing No Name Calling Week activities at their schools, providing students and educators with the tools and inspiration needed to deal with bullying in our schools.
January 11th
February 8th
March 14th
April 11th
September 12
October 10
November 14
December 12 |
2012 Monthly meetings
5:00 pm
Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Avenue
Bremerton 98310
2011 |
Thursday, October 27th &
October 31st
With Respect & the Kitsap Safe Schools Network are holding two 3 hour workshops on bullying at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Thursday, October 27th and Monday, October 31st, from 4:00-7:00 pm.
October 27th: We Can Stop the Bullying! - A skills-based adult training for all professionals, community members, and individuals who know, witness, and want to stop bullying
October 31st: Victim Bully <--> The Cycle! - A skills-based adult training for all professionals, community members, and individuals who want to understand the behavior of bullying to interrupt and prevent the cycle.
Leah R. Kyaio, M.Ed., is the trainer/facilitator for both workshops, and her interactive workshops are grounded in some of the most recent research and thinking about bullying. Clock hours, CEUs, and CLEs are in process and anticipated to be available. Pizza, fruit & beverage will be provided by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
Workshop fee: $25/ea Need a scholarship? Please contact Kitsap Safe Schools at info@kitsapsafeschools.org.
Go to http://withrespect.webs.com/registration.htm or
Call 360-710-4632.
July 16th |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and a chance to win a Kindle.
Noon - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
April 15th |
GSA's across the Kitsap Peninsula are observing the National Day of Silence, a student-led day of action on which students recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their allies.
March 30th |
3 hour training for South Kitsap classified staff
March 18th |
17th Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
8:00 am - 1:30 pm
Olympic College, Bremer Student Center
300 high school students from across the Kitsap Peninsula will gather to learn from one another's presentations and workshops.
Please send me more information about Youth Human Rights Rally
Feb. 23rd & 24th |
Day of Silence educator and youth trainings
February 10th |
South Kitsap secondary principals
January 26th |
South Kitsap educators gathering
5:00 pm at the Puerto Vallarta restaurant
January 12th
February 7th*
March 9th*
April 13th*
May 11th
June 8th
October 12
November 9 |
2011 Monthly meetings
5:00 pm
2010 |
November 16th |
Straighlaced ~ How Gender 's Got Us All Tied Up
A free showing of the documentary film from Academy Award winning director Debra Chasnoff
For high school students and the adults who care about the issues they face
5:00 pm at the Firehouse Theater
11171 NE Highway 104. Kingston
September 29th |
South Kitsap educators gathering
5:00 pm at the Bay Street Bistro
July 17th |
Kitsap Pride
Visit our booth for free posters, visibility stickers and a chance to win a Kindle.
Noon - 5:00 pm at Evergreen Park, Bremerton
April 16th |
GSA's across the Kitsap Peninsula are observing the National Day of Silence, a student-led day of action on which students recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment experienced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students and their allies.
March 19th |
16th Annual Youth Human Rights Rally
co-sponsored by Kitsap Safe Schools Network
8:00 am - 1:30 pm
Olympic College, Bremer Student Center
Over 300 high school students from across the Kitsap Peninsula will gather to learn from one another's presentations and workshops.
Please send me more information about Youth Human Rights Rally |
March 1st |
Straighlaced ~ How Gender 's Got Us All Tied Up
A free showing of the new documentary film from Academy Award winning director Debra Chasnoff
For high school students and the adults who care about the issues they face
Door 4:30 pm, Film starts, 5:00 pm
at the Historic Orchard Theater |
January 26-30 |
Schools across the Kitsap Peninsula are participating in No Name Calling Week, an annual week of educational activities aimed at ending name-calling of all kinds and providing students and educators with the tools and inspiration needed to deal with bullying in our schools.
January 13th
February 10th
March 10th
April 14th
May 12th
June 9th
August 1
September 8
October 13
November 10
December 8 |
2010 Monthly meetings
5:00 pm
Kitsap HIV/AIDS Foundation
2841 Northwest Kitsap Place, Silverdale |
2009 |
November 4th* |
Workshop: No Dumb Questions, Really!
4:30-7:30 pm
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Ave NE, Bremerton |
February 25th
March 11th
May 13th
June 10th
September 9th
October 7th
December 9th |
2009 Monthly meetings
5:00 pm
Kitsap HIV/AIDS Foundation
2841 Northwest Kitsap Place, Silverdale |
April 8th* |
Workshop: Gender Non-Conforming Children
and Youth
4:30-7:30 pm
at WEA Olympic Council,
26297 Twelve Trees Lane NW, Poulsbo |
January 14th* |
Workshop: Handling Controversial Issues
4:30 pm
at WEA Olympic Council,
26297 Twelve Trees Lane NW, Poulsbo |
2008 |
March 3rd |
North Kitsap Global Source Consultation |
April 17th |
Global Source North Kitsap Community Dialogue
at WEA Olympic Council,
26297 Twelve Trees Lane NW, Poulsbo |
April 30th* |
Workshop: School Bullying, Suicide & Self-harm
Sue Eastgard, MSW, Executive Director of Youth Suicide Prevention Project
4:30 pm
at Kiana Lodge, 14976 Sandy Hook Rd NE, Poulsbo |
January 9th
February 13th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
August 6th
September 10th |
Monthly meetings
5:00 pm
Admiral Theatre Community Room
in Bremerton |
October 8th |
5:00 pm
Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Ave NE, East Bremerton |
October 23rd* |
Workshop: Safe Schools? Not until we eliminate all bullying.
at WEA Olympic Council,
26297 Twelve Trees Lane NW, Poulsbo |
November 12th
December 10th |
5:00 pm
Kitsap HIV/AIDS Foundation
2841 Northwest Kitsap Place, Silverdale |
2007 |
January 24th* |
Workshop: Safe Schools? Not until we eliminate all harassment.
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Ave NE, Bremerton |
January 10
February 7th
March 14th
April 11th |
Monthly meetings
5:00 pm
at BaddaBing BaddaBoom
315 Pacific, Bremerton |
April 18th* |
Workshop: Tools and Techniques
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Ave NE, Bremerton
May 9th
June 13th
Monthly meeting
5:00 pm
Admiral Theatre Community Room
in Bremerton |
August 22nd |
Monthly meeting
5:00 pm
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Ave NE, Bremerton |
September 12th
October 10th
November 7th |
Monthly meetings
5:00 pm
Admiral Theatre Community Room
in Bremerton |
November 14th* |
Workshop: Planning for Your School
at Kitsap Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
4418 Perry Ave NE, Bremerton |
* 3 hour workshop